About Us


The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., the SCA, is an non-profit, educational organization dedicated to researching and recreating the customs, combat and courtesy of the middle Ages. We are here to preserve the best of medieval history, to promote and encourage historical study and to keep alive the skills, arts and craft of an age past. We endeavor to recreate 600 CE to 1600 CE, times of knights and fair ladies, of chivalry and courtesy. Each member strives to create a medieval persona that could have lived in the Middle Ages.

The primary requirement for participation in an SCA event is that you wear a pre-1650 costume. This helps everyone get into the spirit of things and to feel a part of what is happening, even if you are only inclined to watch. Almost everyone has clothing around the house which, if properly combined, will qualify as a good attempt. Costumes (or what we call garb) are usually available for loan from the Gold Key officer.

Courteous and honorable behavior is at the core of the Society. It is difficult to be too polite. As Robert Grylion the Reserved has said, “courtesy is such a simple thing, from addressing each other as m’lady or m’lord, kissing a lady’s hand or remembering to bow before the chairs of thrones or nobility, occupied or not.”

An Tir and The Shire of Pendale

The Kingdom of An Tir encompasses British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Northern Idaho.

Pendale is the SCA chapter located in Bonner and Boundary Counties of Northern Idaho.

The Shire of Pendale was first formed as an incipient branch in 1990 (A.S. XVX). Pendale was elevated to full branch status on July 8, 1995 (A.S. XXX). Pendale is located in the Inlands Area of the Kingdom of An Tir (translation: Our Land).